Tuesday, July 30, 2024

SURES 2024: The Finale (July 25)



    We are so glad to have made it to the BIG DAY! It is our day where we join the STRONG and INBRE programs to discuss our summer research with our friends, family, public, and each other. Our students have worked so hard to reach this day and we are so proud of them. We would also like to extend a thank you to our near peer mentors, all the PI mentors, our program coordinator Sunny, and our program director Dr. Hollie Swanson. It has been a great time getting to know all of these students and seeing our cohort become great friends and great scientists. This was a great poster session with so many interesting projects and presentations. Following the poster session, we held a reception and pictures upon receiving the certificate of program completion. 

The students and their mentors presented posters on very interesting topics.  Here are the titles of their projects.

Glucocorticoid Receptor Beta Modulates Steroidogenesis Enzyme Expression in Human Adrenal Cells by Zane Bates and Faculty Mentor Terry Hinds

Toxicity of Large Cigar Condensate on Human Oral Epithelial Cells by Halle Harned and Faculty Mentor David Orren


Efficacy of Essential Oils for German Cockroach Control by Daniela Jackson and Faculty Mentor Zach DeVries


Early Active Phase Running Better Protects Against a High Fat Diet than Late Phase Running in Female Mice by Amia Liddell and Faculty Mentor Kevin Pearson


Using the DenseNet Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Sources of Indoor Air Pollution by Christian Sodora and Faculty Mentor Tianjun Lu


Extended Access to Fentanyl and Xylazine Self-Administration Results in Behavioral Tolerance in Female Rats by Mallory Sparks and Faculty Mentor Cassandra Gipson


Comparison of Inexpensive Points of Use Filters for the Disinfection Byproducts from Drinking Water by Amya Turner and Faculty Mentor Jason Unrine


Sex Differences in Mitochondrial Protein Expression Following a Traumatic Brain Injury by Ejeman Unuakhalu and Faculty Mentor Pat Sullivan


The Bioconversion of Bilirubin to Urobilin is Reabsorbed Via the Hepatic Vein to Bind the Blook Carrier Albumin by Kevin Williams and Faculty Mentor Terry Hinds


      Thank you for your attention to these posts, I hope they have inspired you to see creative and innovative activities to foster professional development, scientific discovery, and the process of mentorship that we have shared throughout the program!

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