Monday, June 24, 2024

SURES 2024 (Week of June 17th)


This Thursday activity was a continuation of the Global Gardens activity from last week and a fun addition of tie-dying lab coats. To begin, we potted our plants in our beautifully decorated planters that were inspired by research of our regions from last week. Students from each group discussed the medicinal properties and cultural practices of their plants and we learned of many anti-microbial, anti-fungal, pro-digestive health that these plants have been utilized for. We discussed the importance of native plants with a discussion on the plant "bee balm" or bergamot (a common ingredient in Earl Grey tea) from Dr. Hollie Swanson.  


We rounded out the very warm afternoon with a fun session of tie-dying lab coats. We learned that lab coats are typically white to symbolize cleanliness and a promise to uphold the purity of scientific rigor. We discussed that although this is the typical symbolism of the lab coat, we are not desecrating the lab coats by dying them. Instead, we are adding to that promise in that we all bring different perspectives to the field of science. We discussed that by welcoming creativity, various outlooks, and diversity we can further progress the field of science. 

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